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Personal data

Administrator of personal data is company:

Jana Ščučková
Beethovenova 1853
738 01 Frýdek - Místek
Czech Republic
Organization ID Number: 115 36 306
VAT Number: CZ6759230852
Business address, postal address and delivery address for exchange or complaint:
Jana Ščučková
Nerudova 160
756 61 Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
Telephone: 00420 722 902 019 - Jana Ščučková
e-mail address:  jana@scucka.com
The personal data of a Buyer, individual, are stored in accordance with the valid legislation of the Czech Republic, namely Act No 101/2000 Coll., on the protection of personal data, as amended.
Buyer agrees to process these personal details: name and surname, address of residence, identification number, tax identification number, e-mail address, telephone number (all together as "personal data"). 
Buyer agrees to the processing of personal data by the seller, and that for the purpose of realizing the rights and obligations of the purchase contract and for purposes sending information and business communications to the vendor. 
The Buyer acknowledges that he / she is obliged to provide his or her personal data (at registration, in user's account, when ordering from web of the store) to  correctly and truthfully and the Buyer is required inform the seller of a change in their personal data.
The seller may assign the third person the processing of the Buyer's personal data, to a person as processor. The Seller may provide only the personal data that is required for the delivery of the goods to the transporter. The Seller may provide the personal date to any other third party only after an agreement with the Buyer. 
Personal data will be processed indefinitely. Personal data will be processed in electronic form in an automated manner or in in a non-automated manner. 

The buyer confirms that the provided personal data is accurate and that it was advised that this is a voluntary provision of personal data. The buyer declares that he has been advised that consent to processing personal data may be revoked by the Seller in writing delivered to the address of the seller.